Novelty, Ohio, a city that exists only as a P.O. Box, is located in the rural suburbs of the far east of Cleveland. My two dogs K.C. "Kool Cat" and Mojo have lived there since 2001. They are goldens who love to run free in the deep woods of our back yard--fenced in by electrical force fields surrounding a 10 acre deciduous playground. K.C., the elder sister, is wise but mischievous. She often sits in the shade and ponders about philosophy and science all the while scheming of ways to steal the next slobber soaked ball Mojo has miraculously discovered in the dark of the woods. Mojo hears the word "no," often enough for her to get it confused for her name. Together, they make up a spectacular team and find themselves on my list of many individuals that I will miss this summer.
The empty void in my heart will not go unfilled however, as starting June 2nd, I will find myself living on Maui with Baba Ram Dass--the second leader in the psychadelic revolution of the 50's and 60's as Richard Alpert and an international icon inspiring awarness of the present and the now as Ram Dass. For three months I will be fortunate enough to share space with Ram Dass and work at the house on 8 acres of lawn and garden. I have no details on my schedule or specific chores yet but I'm sure I will keep busy over these next few months. I will also get to explore Hawai'i for the first time! On my previous journey to Hawai'i I was held captive by the Epstein Barr virus which prevented me from leaving the bed and taking advantage of the exotic oceans, but I did notice that the rooms were always nice!
I will post pictures and snippets of my adventure and life living with Ram Dass. I'm sure there will be a few things on this trip that will be wasted if not shared. Namaste & Mahalo!